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]]>Out in the woods and on the field there are no charging poles. When agriculture machines become electrified, a battery swapping is the solution. Powerswap’s battery swap system creates a sustainable solution for agriculture machines as discharged batteries can be replaced with fully charged ones in 3 minutes. This enables the machines to carry smaller batteries which reduces cost and weight, without having to set aside time for charging.
For more information contact Powerswap at [email protected].
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]]>The post Powerswap and RISE receives grant from Vinnova appeared first on Powerswap.
]]>Battery swapping within the agricultural sector has large potential due to severe issues related to charging of agricultural machines. As the use of agricultural machines often is seasonal, the machines must be used in long shifts to ensure productivity. Therefore, there is no time for charging and battery swapping provides an efficient and green solution for agricultural machines – without the need for large and heavy batteries.
Powerswap’s battery swap system creates a sustainable solution for agriculture machines as discharged batteries can be replaced with fully charged ones in 3 minutes. This enables the machines to carry smaller batteries which reduces cost and weight, without having to set aside time for charging. Further, as the industry is highly dependent on the season, batteries can be rented during high peak seasons which reduces operating costs.
For more information contact Powerswap at [email protected].
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]]>Electricity is a promising solution, but for agricultural machines, the big issue is the method of providing electricity. Another important factor is that the use of agricultural machines is often seasonal. During peak season, the machines must be used in long shifts to ensure productivity without any available time for charging. Further, since many agricultural machines are very big, they would require large batteries which are expensive and heavy.
Powerswap has entered a collaboration with RISE Agriculture & Food to research the possibilities of integrating battery swapping in agricultural machines, in order to create a sustainable and electric solution. The goal is to make it possible to introduce agricultural electric machines, since high costs and long charging times restrict this industry from adopting greener solutions today.
Powerswap’s battery swap system creates a sustainable solution for agriculture machines as discharged batteries can be replaced with fully charged ones in 3 minutes. This enables the machines to carry smaller batteries which reduces cost and weight, without having to set aside time for charging. Further, as the industry is highly dependent on the season, batteries can be rented during high peak seasons which reduces operating costs.
For more information contact the Powerswap at [email protected].
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]]>Ett nytt konsortium är under bildande för att skapa en hållbar laddinfrastruktur baserat på automatiskt batteribyte för elbilar. Bytesautomater som byter elbilsbatterier på bara tre minuter ska installeras på drygt 1 000 av Sveriges 2 700 bensinstationer på två år. Den första pilotanläggningen öppnas i december på Preems station i Rosersberg intill Arlanda flygplats.
Svenska Powerswap har utvecklat ett automatiskt system för batteribyte som ska komplettera de traditionella lösningarna för att ladda elbilar. Systemet är anpassat för att enkelt kunna installeras på befintliga bensinstationer och planen är att installera cirka 1 000 bytesautomater under de första två åren.
Systemet är utformat så att elbilsföraren kör fram sin bil till en särskild bytesautomat som automatiskt drar ut det urladdade batteriet och ersätter det med ett fulladdat. Hela proceduren tar tre minuter, enligt Powerswap. Genom att avlägsna det urladdade batteriet från elbilen kan det laddas i en harmonisk takt vilket minskar belastningen på batteriet och elnätet.
– Batteribyte som komplement till anslutning av sladd till laddstolpe är en naturlig metod för att lösa problemet med laddning”, säger Christian Corfitsen marknadsansvarig på Powerswap, som är initiativtagare.
En första pilotanläggning kommer att öppnas i december på Preems station i Rosersberg, en strategiskt vald plats med närhet till både Arlanda och Stockholm.
Robert Dimmlich är VD på Svensk Bensinhandel, en organisation för ca 1000 oberoende bensinstationer i Sverige:
– Våra medlemmar lever på att sälja drivmedel och självklart vill man vara med och sälja elektricitet också. Med batteribyte har det skapats en laddningslösning som möter bilisternas behov samtidigt som den erbjuder en snabb utbyggnad av en heltäckande laddinfrastruktur på befintliga bensinstationer till en bråkdel av kostnaderna jämfört med hundratusentals laddstolpar, säger han.
Powerswap är en avknoppning från Fuelmatics AB som var pionjär med helautomatisk tankning av bilar med flytande drivmedel. Powerswaps vision är att bidra till en snabbare tillväxt med elbilar genom att eliminera de återstående svagheterna med nuvarande generation av elbilar, långa väntetider för laddning, obefintlig infrastruktur och högt pris för elbilen, då batteriet utgör en väsentlig del av inköpspriset.
För mer info gå till eller kontakta Christian Corfitsen på [email protected], tel: 070 492 12 41
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]]>The post Power Swap reveals new video appeared first on Powerswap.
]]>Power Swap is a fully automatic battery swap system for electric vehicles, which enables rapid “refueling” of electric vehicle in under 3 minutes – providing uninterrupted e-mobility. With Power Swap, the remaining obstacles with electric vehicles are eliminated, leveraging the market potential beyond early adopters and facilitating the sales growth while enabling a faster transition to a climate neutral transport infrastructure.
Power Swap offers a unique business opportunity for fuel retailers and
energy companies. Capitalizing on the entry of our battery swap solution, selling electricity
and swap functionality instead of fossil fuels, leads to the emergence of a new sustainable
business model – similar to the one offered currently. In addition to this, by taking advantage
of the underlying potential of renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, and
incorporating this into the business model, the solution will provide similar, or even higher,
margins than for fossil fuel sales.
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]]>The post China supports battery swapping appeared first on Powerswap.
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]]>The post Power Swap strengthens its IP protection appeared first on Powerswap.
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]]>The post Power Swap solar station concept appeared first on Powerswap.
]]>In order to meet the needs for electric power for the EV revolution, a new green solution is needed which is not based on an infrastructure with thousands of high-power charging poles. By building an infrastructure based on Power Swap’s battery swap system the stress on the grid will be minimized allowing the swapped batteries to be charged at slower, more harmonious, rates. In addition, the Power Swap stations can use solar panels to charge the batteries with green solar energy!
One of the difficulties with EV charging using solar energy is the fact that the power generated by the solar panels is not constant over time. This means that the energy, most of the time, will have to be stored before transferred to the EVs. With Power Swap, the solar energy can be stored directly into the battery bank enabling a smooth transfer to the EV batteries.
For gas station owners this means a new source of income. The stations can be equipped with solar panels and sell solar energy to its EV customers. Studies suggest that this can be even more profitable than selling traditional fossil fuels such as gasoline or diesel.
This is a game changer!
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